11 Jul 5 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues
Mondays are often a dreaded day by many. It’s the first day of the work week, and for lots of people, that means going back to a routine that they’re not in love with. What happens when we create routines that make us feel good each day?
Make your daily routine great. It’s so important to create habits and systems that nurture your spirit. Find what brings you joy, and do more of that. Having a healthy, sustainable routine will allow you to feel energized for each day, not just the weekend. Enjoy your mornings by practicing self-care and movement daily. Once you have a solid morning routine that promotes ease, the rest of your day will feel more inviting. Start with very small changes in your daily schedule, and watch those small adjustments become big changes.
Use Sunday to plan. Make a nice cup of herbal tea, grab your journal and planner, and tap in on Sunday evenings. Think of this time as a gift you’re giving to yourself, so you can be less stressed during the week. Take some time to make a plan and set goals for the week. Write out your to-do lists and a detailed schedule. Once it’s all in front of you, you will feel less burdened by the tasks on Monday.

Count your wins. During your morning self-care routine on Monday, take a moment to reflect on your wins from the prior week. Use those to motivate you, and hold you accountable for the goals that you’ve set for yourself in the new week. Make a list of all the things you did well in the week prior, however small, and give yourself your flowers for it!
Get a good night’s rest. Sleeping well can uplevel your morning on any day, but it’s especially important to get some good sleep on Sunday night, so that your week gets off to a good start. Limit your screen time before bed. Try to eat dinner a bit earlier. Journal at night to allow your mind to release everything it’s thinking onto paper. When you go to sleep with a clear mind, you wake up feeling more rested and energized.
The Challenge: This Sunday evening is yours! Plan your week, and look forward to Monday!